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All of the reports found within are carefully built to adhere to the most current HUD guidance.  Answers to commonly asked questions that arise in meeting the reporting needs of over 2,500 projects that serve the homeless that rely upon can be found below.

General FAQs

Data Quality
Checking the data quality before running reports to be submitted to HUD is always a good idea.  These FAQs provide guidance on how to run and interpret these data quality reports.

Annual Performance Report (APR) & Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)
The CAPER report is an annual report submission for projects receiving Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding from HUD and the APR is a similar report for projects receiving HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) funding. 

Housing Inventory Chart (HIC) and Point in Time (PIT)
The HIC provides details on the number of beds and units dedicated to people experiencing homelessness in your area during the night of the annual point in time (PIT) count.  The PIT count reflects the number of people in emergency shelter, transitional housing, and safe haven beds on that night as well as the number of people who are living on the streets or in a place not meant for human habitation.

System Performance Measures (SPMs)
The HUD SPMs can be used to monitor the progress being made towards addressing homelessness in your community.

Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA)
This report replaces the Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) and requires complete project descriptor data including project address, bed inventory, project type, and all start and end dates.