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For detailed HUD-language and programming specifications for the dashboards, please click here. 

Business Logic for All Charts 

  • All charts, except for the people served tab, are based off of a client/households most recent experience of homelessness within the reporting period selected by the Start Date and End Date filters. 
  • “Clients” refers to the number of unique individuals served. 
  • “Households” refers to the number of unique households served. A household can be just one individual or many. 
  • “Unaccompanied Youth” includes youth age 12 – 24 and excludes any households containing at least one adult age 25 or older with an active enrollment during the reporting period, per HUD definition.    
  • Youth Parent Households include youth (described in the bullet above) under age 25 with children under age 18 whose relationship to head of household is “child” and are active in the report date range. If there is another adult in the household who is 25 or older but not designated as the parent or the head of household, this household will be considered a “Youth Parent Household”  
  • All charts show distinct client/household counts broken down by key demographic categories and can be filtered by age, race, ethnicity, project type, gender, veteran status, region, unaccompanied youth, and household type. The drop-down options are defined by the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development. 

Business Logic for Each Sheet

  • The “People Served” tab shows the distinct count of individual clients and households who were served within the reporting period you have selected. Active on Day 1 means that a client/household was actively enrolled on the start date reflected in the filters, Active on Last Day means that a client/household was actively enrolled on the end date reflected in the filters. New enrollments and number of exits helps you get a sense of the inflow and outflow of the system as a whole. 
  • The “Destinations” tab shows the exit destinations of each client/household prior to their entry into the homeless system, based on their most recent experience of homelessness and their most recent exit from the system within the reporting period you have selected. For households, the exit destination is based on the response of the head of household. Using the filter at the top of the dashboard, users can toggle between individual exit destinations, successful vs. non-successful destinations, or grouped destinations: permanent, temporary, institutional, and other.
  • The “Living Situation Prior to Project Entry” tab shows the living situation of each client/household prior to their entry into the homeless system, based on their most recent experience of homelessness within the reporting period you have selected. For households, the prior living situation is based on the response of the head of household. Using the filter at the top of the dashboard, users can toggle between individual prior living situations or grouped prior living situations: permanent, temporary, institutional, and other. 
  • The “Housing Move-ins” tab shows clients and households who were moved into housing (transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, rapid re-housing, or permanent housing) during the reporting period you have selected, based on their most recent experience of homelessness.  
  • The “Housing Retention” tab shows how long clients and households who were moved into a housing at any point during the reporting period you have selected stayed in their housing program (permanent supportive housing, rapid re-housing, permanent housing). You can filter between leavers and stayers – leavers are clients who exited and were not in a program on the last day of the reporting period, while stayers have not exited a program. 
  • The “Returns to Homelessness” tab shows clients and households who have at one point exited the system to a permanent destination, such as a rental, but have returned to homelessness by entering an Emergency Shelter or Services Only project during the reporting period. The length of time between when they previously left the system and when they returned is calculated and presented on this tab if it was less than 24 months in total. This is based on their most recent experience of homelessness within the reporting period you have selected. 
  • The “Monthly Income Amount” tab reports income based on what is reported by a person during their most recent experience within the reporting period you have selected. Income is only reported for adults or a person who is designated as a head of household. For households, the total income of anyone reporting income in that household is added together to create one amount.
  • The “Monthly Income Sources” tab reports income sources based on what is reported by a person during their most recent experience of homelessness within the reporting period you have selected. Income is only reported for adults or a person who is designated as a head of household. One person may receive income from multiple sources. Therefore, you might observe more income sources than unique individuals during a reporting time period. For households, all income sources of anyone reporting income in that household is added together.
  • The “Average Monthly Income” tab reports income based on what is reported by a person during their most recent experience of homelessness within the reporting period you have selected. Income is only reported for adults or a person who is designated as a head of household. For households, the total income of anyone reporting income in that household is added together to create one amount. The average across all individuals/households is displayed.